Monday, August 12, 2024

Camera icon completely disappeared on Samsung - android

 So your camera icon completely disappeared on android and you are looking for a solution?

You want to know how to get back your camera icon on android?

A friend asked me if i know a way to bring back his mobile phone camera icon and he said he thought his kids might have deleted it while they were looking at his android phone for games etc… I took the phone to see if I can get it back for him… why did his camera app icon disappear?, and, how to bring back his missing camera app icon?.

My first thought was that if the kids deleted the icon on the home screen, it may still be listed there in the apps screen, so i clicked the button on the home screen that opens up the apps screen and browsed through the apps that are listed there, but the mobile phone camera icon was not there either… Then I remembered that apps can be grouped or organized into custom collections or folders on Android, where you can add any app you want to the custom folder or collection by tapping the (+) button. I tapped the (+) button and browsed through the apps that can be added to the costum apps folder but the camera app was not there either… A big exclamation mark around the subject, strange! So what is the solution to get back the missing camera app icon? The camera app is a must if you want to use the phone camera and you can't log in to this camera app if there is no icon to click. I told him I would try to find a solution when I get home evening, but I got distracted by a lot of things when I got home and completely forgot about it... 

The next day we contacted each other again and I told him okay I will search for a solution right away...

I went to Google and the idea was to search for some answers that I could try out. I didn't know what exactly I would search for, I just decided to search for random queries that are linked to the topic I was looking for and to try out the answers that I could apply. I found that many websites were talking about the same issue and one of the websites was the (Q&A) costumers website affiliated with the Huawei website. I don't remember if I surfed the website or not, but I concluded that it is possible to find an answer to that issue if I added the name of the phone to the search query. I called him again and asked him about the name of his phone and he said that his phone is Samsung. I searched again in Google adding the word "Samsung" to the search query, and yes! I found what I was looking for, a Samsung community website where there is a discussion about the same topic I was looking for (camera icon disappeared). I visited the website and there were many answers from different people to the question (camera icon disappeared?). The summary of the answer is that the application was hidden and can be shown again through the home screen settings.

I called him again and told him to bring me his phone for a moment, so i can try out the answer i found.

The solution steps to get the camera app icon back were as follows:

- 1 - Search for the home screen setting either by going to the android phone setting or by tapping the overflow menu (the three-dot icon) in the upper-right corner next to the search bar in the apps screen.

- 2 - After opening the home screen settings, you will find the settings for hiding and showing the applications you want.

- 3 - Yes! I found that the phone camera application was selected to be hidden.

- 4 - After clicking the minus sign to unhide the camera app, I returned to the phone home screen and apps screen interfaces and yes I found the phone camera icon is back there again as usual.

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